Wednesday, April 23, 2008

nothing like a cold splash of reality! =)

"ZOnE iN"
i am babysitting ian and elijah today..
all of a sudden i hear e. in the kitchen..
he was cracking eggs in his hair!! yuck!
so i give him a bath.
now, he doesnt' want to wear a basketball
shirt, he wants baseball!
(wonder who taught him that simons'!=)
next, he gets into the kitchen drawer
looking for the scissors
saying "i need a haircut!" =D
last night i took
braydon and elijah to the baseball game
and they came home with more
scraps and scratches then ever!
the only comforting thing was they both went right
to sleep after a warm bath and clean bandages!
o well! they are boys! =)
if you have any advice on how to keep
little boys out of 'trouble' and keeping
them clean and not hitting the concrete
so many times..i could use the advice! =) jk
~ali a.


Hannah said...

Lol! Thats good Ali!

I don't know of anything that helps that, although when I find out you'll be sure to hear about it!;)

Anonymous said...

hey ali,
haven't heard from u in a you saw August Rush~I thought that was good mostly because of the music! I want to figure out how to get music on our blog w/out having it the same as your play list though =) not quite sure how lee did that. ttyl
ps.we need to get together soon! =)

Anonymous said...

I think it's part of the unwritten code for being a boy-getting into trouble, having crazy ideas, getting all banged up, etc. At least didn't actually give himeself a haircut! Olivia

Anonymous said...

we did ali :0
hair !

Maddie M. said...

get locks for everything

Stacie said...

Hey ALI~!

Sounds like you have been very entertained, haven't you? I'm sorry I don't have any little boy advice for you. lol

See ya!

Stacie said...

Hey ALI~!

Sounds like you have been very entertained, haven't you? I'm sorry I don't have any little boy advice for you. lol

See ya!

Stacie said...

Sorry didn't mean to comment twice.

Anonymous said...

well-you take something totally lame and hype it up as the most exciting thing ever and it's so exciting that they can't stop playing with balls of string. You take a ball of string and use it as a baseball and when they hit it--whoever has the longest piece of string pulled out is the winner. And they will be absolutely occupied and no one will be bored. Promise. I mean, who wouldn't want to play baseball with string? =P

I'm kidding, of course.


PS did you get your apron yet?