Sunday, July 27, 2008


...when I try to get Bob to sleep for naps, I find myself
constantly saying "Close you eyes, and
go to sleep.." Well, today I said the
usual, and this time he all of the sudden
started to fake snore! I could not help
but bust out laughing! It was hilarious!
The movie is hard to see, but turn it
up and listen!!! =)

He has never done this before, that's what makes
it so funny!


Maddie M. said...

thats so cute maddie

Alyssa Scott said...


Anonymous said...

How adorable. When we were little my bro. moved into our bedroom w/ us b/c he was scared of sleeping in his bedroom alone. It was so funny though b/c he would either talk forever or tell us that he had to a sing a little song to himself to fall asleep.

Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

LOL! That little sneak. Little kids are way too smart and tricky aren't they?? :)

Thanks for sharing that funny story and adorable video-it definately brought a smile to my face!! :)