Saturday, December 27, 2008

We are still here..

Hey! Sorry for the lack of posts...our computer crashed and we are using our laptop. I have lots of photos to post....and I was just about to post a segment called: "Never before seen on your screen..." and post all the pictures on our computer that I have never posted. Due to embarrassment, etc. But, now that all of our stuff is on our other computer...there is no way of getting those pictures.....SO, I am going to post our Christmas pictures, etc. if I can ever figure out how to upload them on this computer!
Hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!
Until Then~Ali~


Anonymous said...

bring your laptop up here and come for a visit. i'll help you! =)

Maddie M. said...

hey i can't wait to see you the
21st of January! it seems like its so many forevers away???

Unknown said...

the same thing has happened to us WAY to many times this year. Hopefully us and computers (and hard drives) will have a much better 2009. ;)