Saturday, March 22, 2008

Psalm 127 CHILDREN "blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them." Ian Nickolas Ambrosetti

We are still in the hospital... Dr. says maybe tomorrow,but maybe not....
baby is showing some signs of withdraw, they will know more once he is 48 hours old.
So, please be praying the Lord will intervene and he will not have to go through any withdraws or treatment.
Also, please pray for David's back, sleeping on a pull out chair is not helping any.


Anonymous said...

We're praying for you guys.

Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

Dearest Ambrosettis,

We are praying heartily for the entire family! I know that this must be such a joyous yet apprehensive time. Just know on this beautiful Easter afternoon that the Lord is with you always!! He's planned out everything from before the beginning of the world, and everything is following His perfect and wonderful plan. Trust in Him, run to His open arms for comfort, solace, peace, and joy. He's there for you, and so are we!! If you need anything at all, please don't hesitate to call us!

May you have a blessed and memorable Easter!


Rebekah and the other Shadoins