Monday, September 28, 2009

FuN rAnDoM pHoToS from the last month.....Coolidge Park and other.

Bob playing in the water fountain.....
Amy and Braydon pausing for a smile...
amy and ryry....
bob is waiting for the water to risssseeee....
aaron, andrew and ali....drenched!!!
a water break for a little "football!" go amyyyyyy
ryan is going long, can amy get him the pass???
andrew and aaron are a bit close....
braydon is crazy about amy....
grandma is giving hair cuts. ok adam, don't go with the part, its a bit weird! Ryan, what R U doing?
back to the water fountain for bob and his new found friends =)
yIkEs....look out.....she's gonna blow....

ali was on the Merry Go Round... at the park, right outside the water fountain. but NO photo was allowed.........
bob enjoyed the "fish" he was riding. hey, where is andrew????
Below...Bob dancing...on computer....


Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...


Head on over to my blog when you can! I posted a tag not long ago, and would love for you to participate! :)

Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

Hey, Ali! Your grandma shared a prayer request at church Sunday, sharing with us what you've been going through. Know that we're thinking of you and praying for you!! You're in the Lord's hands, and He'll never let you go.

We love you, and if there's anything we can do, just let us know.

Keep us updated.
