Friday, June 26, 2009

Today's Update on BOB

David and I took Bob to the neurosurgeon yesterday for a check up. They said "he looks great!" We were so happy to hear that news... of course he seems great to us, but doctor knows best in a case like this. Bobs wounds are healing up very nice and he is back to his CrAzY self.... although he does have to wear his helmet. We will go back to the doctor in 4 weeks for a final CT scan. Please continue to pray that no infection will be present and that bob stays safe.
I caught him climbing up onto the kitchen cabinets today and that is mild.. he has always been a climber and there is no need to think this little accident will slow him down. He is a man on a mission everyday.
Thank you so very much for all your prayers and support as well as a special thanks to all those families that have been bringing us meals. It has all been very helpful and very much appreciated.

God is sooooo good......

Continue to pray for Little Faith that is still in the hospital undergoing all these surgeries from the dog attack. She and her family need all our prayers. She is from Lookout Mountain, GA and she is 8 years old.

all our love and thanks,
angie & david for the family


Haleigh Poe said...

Our family is so glad to hear that little BOB is doing well. We will continue to pray that everything will go well for the next little while. PLEASE let us know if there is ANYTHING you need.

Love and Prayers,

Haleigh and the Fam

ackoenig said...

Hey Ambrosetti's! We just got on your website and were shocked to see what you've all been going through with Bob! What a little miracle! So glad that he is coming through all of this with flying colors! We need to get together when things calm down. We'll keep you all in our prayers! Love to you all.
The Koenig family

Madison said...

Hey girlie! can't wait to see yah tomorrow!!! =D