Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Update on Bob

It is Wednesday morning.. Bob is improving... he hasn't been sleeping very well, but that is not unusual. He is hooked up to so many monitors and wires he can't be his usual "all over the place 3 year old self." And he sleeps with Ali at home so he really misses her right now.
His little face is all swollen and his eyes are swollen shut with bruises... he really looks worse today than he has since the accident, removing all the blood.
The CT Scan showed a small contusion on the brain, which can cause seizures. so please be praying the Lord will heal that quickly and no seizure activity will take place.
He can't keep any liquids down at this point, but it could be worse. We are hoping to get moved out of ICU today and into a regular room.
He keeps saying he wants to go to Chuck E Cheese. so guess where we are going??????
Also, please pray for Faith, she is 8 years old and was attacked by a pit bull. She is in bad shape. All of the flesh and muscles are gone from both her shoulders and arms. She is lucky to be alive.
God is giving us opportunity to witness and reminding us He is in control and our situation could always be worse. gtg


Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

Thank you for the update! We are thinking of and praying often for little Bob. I know this must be such a hard time for you all right now. Praise God that it wasn't any worse, though! Those bruises will heal, and he'll soon be back to his old self. :)

Oh my goodness. I can't imagine being poor little Faith's parents. How excrutiating to see her in that situation. Praise the Lord that He saved her life. We'll be praying for her and her family as well!

Have a blessed day!


Hannah said...

yes, you all and bob are on our mind and in our prayers...poor little thing...

we will also pray for
that dear little girl right now
thanks for giving us this update...

Paris said...

Poor little things.... you all are most definitely in my prayers right now..

StampupLisa said...

We are praying for Bob, Faith (a beautiful name), and all your families!!!! Praise God that He has a plan and purpose for everything, including what brings us to the hospital--that it isn't all just meaningless or vain.

We're praying!!

Jeff, Lisa, Shane & Gabi

Miss Rebekah Ann S. said...

What a wonderful witnessing opportunity indeed! Your family is such an inspiration to us-it would have been so easy for you to be distracted with Bob(and rightfully so) and not even think to be a shining light of encouragement and truth for Faith and her family. But the Lord is instead using you in amazing ways I'm sure.

Thank you for your service to Him and to others!

We love you!
